Saturday, November 15, 2008


While playing around with my BIOS for the past 3 days, I have discovered some pretty marvalous features that reside in the BIOS. the coolest being the automated overclocking feature. As my CPU fan always runs at full speed for no reason at all, I decided might as well heat that baby up a little. Since the whole thing is automated, well... one little change in the BIOS later, I'm done! The difference is absolutely wonderful. My Pentium D CPU is rated to run at 3.00GHz, now overclocked its at 3.44GHz! Now I can open like 10 VCO at the same time and I assure you it will not lag. Planning on going Sim Lim Square some day and pick up a double 4GB RAM. Thinking back, nah... 2x 2GB will do bah.



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