New Goal
Nothing -> PPL -> CPLLabels: Fun
i need to start doing work, seriously...Labels: Work
"marshalling" national gyms is sian. marshalling in quotes cos we didn't do anything at all anyway. we wasted 12 hours straight...Labels: Boredom, NPCC
Beijing, I'll go again if I have the money
Best photo in Beijing. On the steps of The Great Wall of China.
And not forgetting my immersion class, 高二十一班!Labels: BSC
tkk perf
quite interesting to note that joker sheng actually appreciates performance ettiquete XD. apart from sec 3s with no brains at all, the performance was very nice. Chen Yang as the old TKK was superb. hard to spot him though, only after seeing his signature smile den realise. after that went to plaza sing with the crowd. ate at bk. den went home. just got to know that chem test is on mon, im due 1 compo and 1 compre and 1 summary for chi, and 1 essay for geog and lotsa chem and lotsa phy wks. oh and lotsa are due on monday. woots.Labels: Boredom, Fun
gotta go home at 1:20PM on EP3 day today, supposedly feel good. budden the rest all either recieving SPF-NPCC award or playing big shot NCOs with the juniors. sianz, feel very zibei.Anyway gratz to the SPF-NPCC awardees.Labels: Boredom
ok ive been back for about a week le. so far so sian -.- got piles of hw and i hvnt even started yet. beijing was fun, good experience and best was immersion week. so sian for three days liao. today's marshalling was even more sian and epic fail. only consolation for stoning 5 hours was unexpectedly seeing an primary school classmate. sianz~Labels: Boredom