Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
So another Sunday wasted thanks to NPCC... Woke up wayyy too early... took MRT with Ying Jie to Ulu Pandan CC and reached at 9:20 (wth...) Mr Ong was ALREADY THERE?! Mr Ong is super enthusiastic about NPCC I must say... *compliments* Mr Ong also ask me to like totally redo NP website... haiz more work... Anyway got a huge stack of flyers to give out... 1250 LEH... So I follow Zhi Ming go market go give out... walao all the people tao... Zhi Ming only gave out 21 flyers after 30 mins... I gave out 4... cos he cope all the people lar... Then we gave up then follow backup plan put on the cars... haha finish all the 40 flyers within half hour... Zhi Ming suay lor got 80 to give... then also see Benjamin... he late comer... After PYA go Jurong East eat at KFC... take MRT opposite from where i going home... Eat finish le then go see what Zhen Wei they all ate... walao some posh korean restaurant... bill $50++ stupid nia... 17% taxes... but hey God super rich mah... Then they want TO WATCH MOVIE!? Zhen Wei no homework ar? Zhen Wei very deep pocket lol... we poor people just had to go home... took MRT with Benjamin aka BenSpark and Ying Jie aka DotA-God... Oh and I just played public DotA on GG... Tio pwned totally... My team got Ying Jie (Silencer), BenSpark (Centaur) and me (Holy Knight), opponent team is Akasha and Sniper... Originally 5 V 5 de but the noobs left... in the end Sniper farm till gay le and Akasha leech kills lor also gay le... If only Zhen Wei help us... then surely he beyond godlike... Haiz... nvr playing public DotA again... They lag for 2 whole minutes before game start leh?! I load finish in like 3 seconds? And they very sore loser... firstblood then leave... BenSpark also left... though he DC... dunno wethere really DC or faking DC bcos he tio pwned by Sniper... Wait a minute... I think he was the one who fed Sniper in the first place during early game... Oh well what ever... I also noob so cant blame him... Saw Ying Jie at his worst hurray!... Though he still pwns me like s**t...
Labels: Fun
Friday, June 27, 2008
Weekly Training
Today was slack... Muster parade tio stun when they call my name to recieve commendation letter... LOL for PHS Air Rifle Shooting Comp... The comp is like fei4 de... Only 2 pro teams one from RI and one dunno what school... Since our squad got some experience with Air Rifle dint do too bad lor... The other schools were "saving paper" blanko score sheets lol... So we got 3rd. HAHALOL... I dunno why Hong Liang keep on laughing all the time... Shaun super niao / joker also didn't tio scolded. Are we already transforming Sec 4 full-time RT mode? But hey... no pumpings who cares man... Drills was very slack... laugh alot cos of Shaun... very hot sun though... luckily dint polish boots, all the zaikias who did all had them melted and rough. Then campcraft... walao navigate through the lamposts at SALT Center with a compass diao... I paired with Zhi Ming... haha I sabo him gave him 8 waypoints to go to... but he quite pro lar very fast finish... Then he take revenge den gimme 4 way points... 300*, 200*, 100*, 70*. * = degrees. Guess where it leads? back to square one... walao dam niao... Then those who finished walking around went for a TCS with the NCOs. TCS = talk cock session. Ok lor... we different topics with our seniors... all we discuss about was Zhen Wei and all the erhm erhm stuff... Wasn't there for most of it though... but with Thuan Seng and Shaun surely should have been very funny... shiz missed the show... Then on to PT... walao shooting comp people got special PT... We went to the gym. I thought I heng man escape from running around the driveway in the end the squad do RT >_> !@#$%... So nvm lor... wadever... and Jun Rong upon hearing about RT was going "eh I go take squad"... haha so I added "I go join squad"... sian... but got aircon lar... my only consolation to the loss of my first RT of the year... Hong Liang let my squad go RT leh... say CIs not around. Hey any CIs out there its HONG LIANG hor!!! Anyway Cyril said if we get 1st and 2nd for shooting comp then we will get full day RT on a Friday... Everyone JY!!! MUST WIN!!!
HCINPCCSCT 2 ~ All team-mates JY!!! ~ 14 more days to 11/7/08
HCINPCCSCT 2 ~ All team-mates JY!!! ~ 14 more days to 11/7/08
Labels: NPCC
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Hw status: 60% incomplete!!!
IHC ppt: 0%? Joshua say 100%...
Shooting Com PT: 0% usefulness
Can't wait till 11/7/08
IHC ppt: 0%? Joshua say 100%...
Shooting Com PT: 0% usefulness
Can't wait till 11/7/08
Labels: Work
Monday, June 23, 2008
First Day Of School
Quite slack I think... Everyone cept the chinese scholars seems to be chioning hw... I left 75% to do... OMG geog = gg... G3.2... People in the same class I pity them... People not in G3.2 pity ME!... Go c whos de teacher... Screwed as always... only geog got hw...
Labels: Work
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
3rd Class Drill
Like o.0? Yeah lor... long time le... hope this time can pass... and forget about it forever... At Nanyang bus stop a lady ask me and pin yi how go nanyang main gate... pin yi anyhow point then the lady really belief... she came back after 5 mins lol... dint look pissed lar but pin yi keep laughing... im not involved hor...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Kung Fu Panda
Watched Kung Fu Panda today... Not at a Cinema... Try guess where I watch lol...
~ Wuxi Finger Hold
~ No secret ingredient
~ Freaking funny
~ Got emo parts also but then covered by funnyness
Shall not say anymore... later got people still havn't watch...
~ Wuxi Finger Hold
~ No secret ingredient
~ Freaking funny
~ Got emo parts also but then covered by funnyness
Shall not say anymore... later got people still havn't watch...
Labels: Fun
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
ATC08 10 - 12June
Day 1:
~ Gathered in SALT Center at 12:30
~ Aren't the Sec 2s supposed to go earlier?
~ Took bus to Changi Jetty
~ Handed in valuables and Ez-Link card at the jetty
~ Stoned long while then get onto boat...
~ Reached Ubin after long boat ride... Thought I saw a A380 fly over...
~ Icebreakers was very short... Only intro... But somehow one of the last groups to leave...
~ Decided on group name "Alladin" too... Disney? aww comon the CI's very "creative" ar...
~ Treasure hunt relatively boring... no treasure... no hunt...
~ Lagged too much... One of the last groups...
~ Couldn't find Belatok Hut... Haha I looked at the map and said its just round the corner...
~ Our group lag so much that we skipped a few stations and went direct to campsite
~ Camp opening address - Skip...
~ Tent pitching sucks... Girls do so fast...
~ Dinner was ok... I cooked 2 pack maggie with 1/4 solid fuel and 1 box of matchsticks...
~ Brought 8 boxes in total... and the maggie was well cooked...
~ Mock campfire is ok... most cheers I don't know... Ping Yi was the chosen one... did I Ask My Love with Si En... He seemed dam sian afterwards...
~ Free time was really free time... no one wanted to discuss about skit... they just tao Jia Yuin... I also de non-creative type lar... also cannot help to think...
~ Then rain... or rather strong wind first... My tent fell but I told Isaac its good because our bags surely wont be wet cos the CIs brought it in...
~ Another tent somewhere behind also fell but bags still inside... Good Luck Lor...
~ Guys slept at the dorms... I don't have poncho so got slightly wet...
~ Dorms not bad leh... hardwood floor... only slightly dusty and wet... and a street light shining at your face which cannot be turned off... so still relatively good lar...
~ CIs KP us about girls sleeping in some shitty room... dunno lar can't compare de mah... whole camp is shitty...
Day 2:
~ PT reminded me of Friday trainings back in school... anyway ABC foyer and DEF canteen
~ Breakfast... Totally dry rations... Isaac tried to eat raw maggie mee... I koped 10 packets of Pokari Sweat... The girls don't like it? I put all 10 into 1.5L bottle... drank abit and... wanted to puke... 10 packets meant for 2L... Then Ping Yi go say drink le get diabetes... nvm...
~ Lo and Behold... Rain... Shelter building demoted to using satay sticks...
~ Lead Designer: Chen Qin Yang
~ The girls keep on stare at me and say I got another design... I like stun... Well I did have one but since already got design then use lar... Don't despise him mah...
~ Then we started building... Since the structure very little components I took some sticks and play with them lor... I made some sort of ladder thing with clove hitches... Thought the ground sheet can be wound through it to make a nice roof... But the girls misintepreted it and made it the door... >_>||
~ After de small shelter building was IRC... Luckily the rain stopped... IRC briefing super long...
~ Finally actual thing started... I was slacking down on the ground with Ping Yi and didn't hear the last call for group A people... Then Kenneth was going "Eh Chunqi you scared ar?"... walao... >_>||
~ Finally my turn... I took the so called "harder" one... actually I think mine is overall easier... cos all the 3 parts medium difficulty... The other one is like first 2 part super easy and the last part super hard... Jia Yuin also agrees... But I think she want excuse cos she fell lar haha...
~ Forgot lunch first or firestarting...
~ Next was lunch...
~ I ate cans only... din bother to cook... solid fuel low anyway...
~ Found out that 2 solid fuels burns faster than 1/4 piece...
~ Firestarting was fun... I brought 3 boxes of matchsticks along...
~ Woah the instructor brought along this big fire extinguisher... We are not THAT pro mah...
~ We were told to collect things needed to start a fire... leaves... twigs and stuff... on the way also went by mozzie den.
~ Got there liao then started to light fire... We were broken into 3 groups... I stick to my school de people... mostly tentmates because they know I brought matchsticks... Then girls also
evenly split... two per group... Other 4 went to the other 2 groups so we got Jia Yuin lor...
~ Starting fire on ground was harder than I thought... no stove to contain the fire... somemore the ground was wet... fire start liao then got put out by evaporating water...
~ 3 matchsticks very fast de... So I switched out my box lor...
~ My minigroup only group that didn't beg for matchsticks... Jia Yuin very anti leh... keep say the instructors know liao... But we were laughing like mad lar so abit de obvious also...
~ I very kind mah went to put some matchsticks in a leaf and said "I very kind, give you some leaves"... haha they understand what I mean... but still no one got fire to go...
~ In the end the instructor cannot stand liao go confiscate my match box... Wah I very pro hiding leh... she ask me pull out my pocket but I still hid another 2 boxes inside...
~ We cheat so no marshmallows for us... but Jia Yuin say nevermind... what nevermind I luv marshmallows leh...
~ After fire starting was JETTY JUMP... Woah can't wait man...
~ Reach there liao wear life jacks... The guy there very wierd... ask girls put on acks first then say boys go first... >_>||
~ Luckily we got high tide if not 1m jump can do in swimming pool...
~ Walao... I swimmer have to wait awhile for the non-swimmers go first...
~ So finally my turn le... looking down abit scary but I purposely make my eyes out of focus... then the water seem to be at my feet only... its works lol... i also slightly scared of heights...
~ So all the "whats your name stuff" over liao i just took the plunge... woah the free fall very shiok... I hit the water then my track pants puff up and I floated up upside down... I still abit stun then the instructor suddenly shout "you're bleeding"... I stun even more then look down see where got bleed... then he say "your nose"... i was like... >_>|||
~ Walao nose bleed only need call the RESCUE BOAT?!?! I feel dam embarrassed leh...
~ Who cares man... Went back to watch the rest jump... Reach the jetty liao then Jia Yuin in the water and got one on the plank... The girls dam scared lar... But nvm since they are girls...
~ Walao all 5 who never jump are boys leh... so diu1 lian3.... Yong Quan in the end got jump GJ!
~ After Jetty Jump went to bathe... woah never felt so good to bathe...
~ Next was shelter building... I carried the muddy pegs... very akward to carry as i dint want to dirty myself cos just bathe...
~ Overall got alot of people stoning around lar... Too bad for them they dun move then become mozzie food... All the boys also dint seem to know the design cept de designer himself... Finish le at least the structure can stand lar...
~ Dinner... same thing cans... Skip...
~ Campfire... we chosen as cheerleaders... walao... i only know 6 cheers... Jia Yuin say I pair with Si En later cos she pro at cheers... even more embarrassed mah... she know the cheers and actions while I stone there...
~ Our skit also last minute think up one... or rather the girls think of characters and boys do storyline... Theorecitally the skit not bad lar as Zhi Ming said... but somehow the acting part sucked... Luckily the CIs never give us cold shoulder...
~ Went to sleep with powder bath... saw some girls sleep in foyer... Ping Ting scared of cats... >_>||... They got infestation of ants... i got 3 theories... 1) perfume... 2) Smuggle food? 3) diabetic?!?! haha jk...
Day 3:
~ Happiest day of my life! Second happiest is Sec 2 ATC last day... >_>||
~ PT was... or rather call it RT lar... fun and games...
~ Dog and bone dam funny... I need to go toilet but they havnt call my number yet so I wait lor... then i cannot hold le walk towards instructor then she call my number... then my group was like staring at me... paiseh lar sry...
~ Cannot out-cheer Ting Yit and Joel the enthu kias also...
~ Clean up super easy and fun... kinda like cleaning my own house...
~ Group A: Canteen, Foyer and Council Ring
~ Group B: Toilets
~ Croups C, D, E: Tents
~ Group F: Stove and mess tins...
~ Personally think our group got the most fun and slack job...
~ Council Ring cleanup done within 10mins... trash bag not even 1/4 full...
~ Next we clean up the foyer... we got onto hands and knees and use rag to wipe... I dint bring rag so Jia Yuin ask her squadmate to gimme half... The rag very easy to tear dunno why...
~ So use rag to sort of mop the place lor...
~ One of the pail convoys never returned... those guys from queensway ar....
~ Isaac trying to be funny... we promised not to step on the cleaned parts and he went to trap Jia Yuin... he clean a whole circle around her so she cannot come out... he did that to other girls also and almost to me... luckily i smart...
~ Finally finish foyer after half hour... went onto the canteen... those cleaning mess tins and stove made a mess at the bottom of the sink... took a pail and flush the whole place lor... then >_>||| the ground slants away from the sink and the water doesn't go down the drain... had to use shoe with zhen wei to sweep water in... then zhen wei left halfway and left me and Jia Yuin... Where were the rest of group A ar... <_< >_>
~ Walao eh... theres mops... which CI said there wasnt ar... So my dear TO Mr Ong said "since here already need to mop might as well mop the whole canteen"... walao... >_>||
~ Haha Jia Yuin dunno how to mop... mop zig zag then leave alot of holes behind... I no choice have to follow behind and "fill the holes"... shows that she doesnt do chores at home... >_>||
~ CIs *applaud* say need to mop foyer again... wah sian... tao him... Benjamin came to the canteen to fill the pail... I tell him use 2 pails lor... one fill while the other one in use... he say the idea not bad leh...
~ Then I also took a pail to the eating shed... sa Jia Yuin and her squadmate there... I ask them want pour on the ground anot then her squadmate say abit... Then Jia Yuin was like "his abit alot one leh"... nvm lor say liddat in the end i pour the whole thing...
~ Went to help clean tents... no more cloth le so went to hide in toilet... stone out side also will get scolded walao...
~ Time to leave this dreaded place... My TO not that bad lar... gave us ice pops... haha must make sure other schools left liao if not very akward...
~ Walao I dunno when sprain my ankle one... very pain so I walk slightly slow and lagged behind then the CI was like "i tot u all learn something, but clearly not... how could u all leave ur squadmate behind..." i was again like >_>|||... actually the people at front choining to go home can understand lar... so i was moved to the front and its ok leh... i walk at the front then people behind start lagging... haha funny squad...
~ Boat HOME...
~ They all want go KAP... dint follow cos going opposite direction from my house...
~ Instead followed Chen An, Benjamin and Ying Jie to Pasir Ris...
~ I felt super nice and bought 1.5L soft drink and share with them...
~ Reach white sands shopping center and ate at KFC lol...
~ Benjamin de2 cun4 jing4 chi3 lor... want me treat him Swensens... even my parents complain there too ex...
~ Finally home sweet home...
Long Post
Fond Memories
Day 1:
~ Gathered in SALT Center at 12:30
~ Aren't the Sec 2s supposed to go earlier?
~ Took bus to Changi Jetty
~ Handed in valuables and Ez-Link card at the jetty
~ Stoned long while then get onto boat...
~ Reached Ubin after long boat ride... Thought I saw a A380 fly over...
~ Icebreakers was very short... Only intro... But somehow one of the last groups to leave...
~ Decided on group name "Alladin" too... Disney? aww comon the CI's very "creative" ar...
~ Treasure hunt relatively boring... no treasure... no hunt...
~ Lagged too much... One of the last groups...
~ Couldn't find Belatok Hut... Haha I looked at the map and said its just round the corner...
~ Our group lag so much that we skipped a few stations and went direct to campsite
~ Camp opening address - Skip...
~ Tent pitching sucks... Girls do so fast...
~ Dinner was ok... I cooked 2 pack maggie with 1/4 solid fuel and 1 box of matchsticks...
~ Brought 8 boxes in total... and the maggie was well cooked...
~ Mock campfire is ok... most cheers I don't know... Ping Yi was the chosen one... did I Ask My Love with Si En... He seemed dam sian afterwards...
~ Free time was really free time... no one wanted to discuss about skit... they just tao Jia Yuin... I also de non-creative type lar... also cannot help to think...
~ Then rain... or rather strong wind first... My tent fell but I told Isaac its good because our bags surely wont be wet cos the CIs brought it in...
~ Another tent somewhere behind also fell but bags still inside... Good Luck Lor...
~ Guys slept at the dorms... I don't have poncho so got slightly wet...
~ Dorms not bad leh... hardwood floor... only slightly dusty and wet... and a street light shining at your face which cannot be turned off... so still relatively good lar...
~ CIs KP us about girls sleeping in some shitty room... dunno lar can't compare de mah... whole camp is shitty...
Day 2:
~ PT reminded me of Friday trainings back in school... anyway ABC foyer and DEF canteen
~ Breakfast... Totally dry rations... Isaac tried to eat raw maggie mee... I koped 10 packets of Pokari Sweat... The girls don't like it? I put all 10 into 1.5L bottle... drank abit and... wanted to puke... 10 packets meant for 2L... Then Ping Yi go say drink le get diabetes... nvm...
~ Lo and Behold... Rain... Shelter building demoted to using satay sticks...
~ Lead Designer: Chen Qin Yang
~ The girls keep on stare at me and say I got another design... I like stun... Well I did have one but since already got design then use lar... Don't despise him mah...
~ Then we started building... Since the structure very little components I took some sticks and play with them lor... I made some sort of ladder thing with clove hitches... Thought the ground sheet can be wound through it to make a nice roof... But the girls misintepreted it and made it the door... >_>||
~ After de small shelter building was IRC... Luckily the rain stopped... IRC briefing super long...
~ Finally actual thing started... I was slacking down on the ground with Ping Yi and didn't hear the last call for group A people... Then Kenneth was going "Eh Chunqi you scared ar?"... walao... >_>||
~ Finally my turn... I took the so called "harder" one... actually I think mine is overall easier... cos all the 3 parts medium difficulty... The other one is like first 2 part super easy and the last part super hard... Jia Yuin also agrees... But I think she want excuse cos she fell lar haha...
~ Forgot lunch first or firestarting...
~ Next was lunch...
~ I ate cans only... din bother to cook... solid fuel low anyway...
~ Found out that 2 solid fuels burns faster than 1/4 piece...
~ Firestarting was fun... I brought 3 boxes of matchsticks along...
~ Woah the instructor brought along this big fire extinguisher... We are not THAT pro mah...
~ We were told to collect things needed to start a fire... leaves... twigs and stuff... on the way also went by mozzie den.
~ Got there liao then started to light fire... We were broken into 3 groups... I stick to my school de people... mostly tentmates because they know I brought matchsticks... Then girls also
evenly split... two per group... Other 4 went to the other 2 groups so we got Jia Yuin lor...
~ Starting fire on ground was harder than I thought... no stove to contain the fire... somemore the ground was wet... fire start liao then got put out by evaporating water...
~ 3 matchsticks very fast de... So I switched out my box lor...
~ My minigroup only group that didn't beg for matchsticks... Jia Yuin very anti leh... keep say the instructors know liao... But we were laughing like mad lar so abit de obvious also...
~ I very kind mah went to put some matchsticks in a leaf and said "I very kind, give you some leaves"... haha they understand what I mean... but still no one got fire to go...
~ In the end the instructor cannot stand liao go confiscate my match box... Wah I very pro hiding leh... she ask me pull out my pocket but I still hid another 2 boxes inside...
~ We cheat so no marshmallows for us... but Jia Yuin say nevermind... what nevermind I luv marshmallows leh...
~ After fire starting was JETTY JUMP... Woah can't wait man...
~ Reach there liao wear life jacks... The guy there very wierd... ask girls put on acks first then say boys go first... >_>||
~ Luckily we got high tide if not 1m jump can do in swimming pool...
~ Walao... I swimmer have to wait awhile for the non-swimmers go first...
~ So finally my turn le... looking down abit scary but I purposely make my eyes out of focus... then the water seem to be at my feet only... its works lol... i also slightly scared of heights...
~ So all the "whats your name stuff" over liao i just took the plunge... woah the free fall very shiok... I hit the water then my track pants puff up and I floated up upside down... I still abit stun then the instructor suddenly shout "you're bleeding"... I stun even more then look down see where got bleed... then he say "your nose"... i was like... >_>|||
~ Walao nose bleed only need call the RESCUE BOAT?!?! I feel dam embarrassed leh...
~ Who cares man... Went back to watch the rest jump... Reach the jetty liao then Jia Yuin in the water and got one on the plank... The girls dam scared lar... But nvm since they are girls...
~ Walao all 5 who never jump are boys leh... so diu1 lian3.... Yong Quan in the end got jump GJ!
~ After Jetty Jump went to bathe... woah never felt so good to bathe...
~ Next was shelter building... I carried the muddy pegs... very akward to carry as i dint want to dirty myself cos just bathe...
~ Overall got alot of people stoning around lar... Too bad for them they dun move then become mozzie food... All the boys also dint seem to know the design cept de designer himself... Finish le at least the structure can stand lar...
~ Dinner... same thing cans... Skip...
~ Campfire... we chosen as cheerleaders... walao... i only know 6 cheers... Jia Yuin say I pair with Si En later cos she pro at cheers... even more embarrassed mah... she know the cheers and actions while I stone there...
~ Our skit also last minute think up one... or rather the girls think of characters and boys do storyline... Theorecitally the skit not bad lar as Zhi Ming said... but somehow the acting part sucked... Luckily the CIs never give us cold shoulder...
~ Went to sleep with powder bath... saw some girls sleep in foyer... Ping Ting scared of cats... >_>||... They got infestation of ants... i got 3 theories... 1) perfume... 2) Smuggle food? 3) diabetic?!?! haha jk...
Day 3:
~ Happiest day of my life! Second happiest is Sec 2 ATC last day... >_>||
~ PT was... or rather call it RT lar... fun and games...
~ Dog and bone dam funny... I need to go toilet but they havnt call my number yet so I wait lor... then i cannot hold le walk towards instructor then she call my number... then my group was like staring at me... paiseh lar sry...
~ Cannot out-cheer Ting Yit and Joel the enthu kias also...
~ Clean up super easy and fun... kinda like cleaning my own house...
~ Group A: Canteen, Foyer and Council Ring
~ Group B: Toilets
~ Croups C, D, E: Tents
~ Group F: Stove and mess tins...
~ Personally think our group got the most fun and slack job...
~ Council Ring cleanup done within 10mins... trash bag not even 1/4 full...
~ Next we clean up the foyer... we got onto hands and knees and use rag to wipe... I dint bring rag so Jia Yuin ask her squadmate to gimme half... The rag very easy to tear dunno why...
~ So use rag to sort of mop the place lor...
~ One of the pail convoys never returned... those guys from queensway ar....
~ Isaac trying to be funny... we promised not to step on the cleaned parts and he went to trap Jia Yuin... he clean a whole circle around her so she cannot come out... he did that to other girls also and almost to me... luckily i smart...
~ Finally finish foyer after half hour... went onto the canteen... those cleaning mess tins and stove made a mess at the bottom of the sink... took a pail and flush the whole place lor... then >_>||| the ground slants away from the sink and the water doesn't go down the drain... had to use shoe with zhen wei to sweep water in... then zhen wei left halfway and left me and Jia Yuin... Where were the rest of group A ar... <_< >_>
~ Walao eh... theres mops... which CI said there wasnt ar... So my dear TO Mr Ong said "since here already need to mop might as well mop the whole canteen"... walao... >_>||
~ Haha Jia Yuin dunno how to mop... mop zig zag then leave alot of holes behind... I no choice have to follow behind and "fill the holes"... shows that she doesnt do chores at home... >_>||
~ CIs *applaud* say need to mop foyer again... wah sian... tao him... Benjamin came to the canteen to fill the pail... I tell him use 2 pails lor... one fill while the other one in use... he say the idea not bad leh...
~ Then I also took a pail to the eating shed... sa Jia Yuin and her squadmate there... I ask them want pour on the ground anot then her squadmate say abit... Then Jia Yuin was like "his abit alot one leh"... nvm lor say liddat in the end i pour the whole thing...
~ Went to help clean tents... no more cloth le so went to hide in toilet... stone out side also will get scolded walao...
~ Time to leave this dreaded place... My TO not that bad lar... gave us ice pops... haha must make sure other schools left liao if not very akward...
~ Walao I dunno when sprain my ankle one... very pain so I walk slightly slow and lagged behind then the CI was like "i tot u all learn something, but clearly not... how could u all leave ur squadmate behind..." i was again like >_>|||... actually the people at front choining to go home can understand lar... so i was moved to the front and its ok leh... i walk at the front then people behind start lagging... haha funny squad...
~ Boat HOME...
~ They all want go KAP... dint follow cos going opposite direction from my house...
~ Instead followed Chen An, Benjamin and Ying Jie to Pasir Ris...
~ I felt super nice and bought 1.5L soft drink and share with them...
~ Reach white sands shopping center and ate at KFC lol...
~ Benjamin de2 cun4 jing4 chi3 lor... want me treat him Swensens... even my parents complain there too ex...
~ Finally home sweet home...
Long Post
Fond Memories
Labels: Fun
Monday, June 16, 2008
Bye father...
My father leaving for China... Just after father's day... Sent him off at 2:00PM flight. After that went to T3 for sightseeing...
Labels: Emo
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Last Day of PC Show 2008
Shopping spree today. Mostly computer stuff... Heres a list of what I bought:
1) Western Digital 250GB External Hard Drive ~ $139.90
2) Grand Theft Auto IV ~ $68
3) Hitman - Blood Money ~ $39.90
Woah burnt a hole in my pocket... shall save up for the rest of the year...
1) Western Digital 250GB External Hard Drive ~ $139.90
2) Grand Theft Auto IV ~ $68
3) Hitman - Blood Money ~ $39.90
Woah burnt a hole in my pocket... shall save up for the rest of the year...
Labels: Fun
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Fathers day
Went to Tampines Safra to celebrate Father's Day. Ate at Sakura Sushi. Omg 2 buffets in 2 days... I think I'm gonna die... Anyway after that went bowling. My mom was the best... she threw the bowling ball backwards at ME!!! Luckily I siam quickly... Got my personal best too with a score of 164. (Funny... same as shooting com...) My dad ok with bowling lah... around 100+ also. Now I need go and puke...
Labels: Fun
Friday, June 13, 2008
4th UGBC Finals
Shucks... had to wake up at 5:45AM just for this event. I got to school roughly early, only to find out I didn't have to go... Stupid Kenneth make me confused wether need to go anot. "Luckily" Shaun cannot go, groin pain he says... After a rather short briefing, we got to stone for almost a full hour! Some buffer time... Same thing at the bowling center, set up shop at 9:00AM, stone till 10:00AM. I lane marshall for lanes 13 and 14, Eugene, Soo Wee and Javan using lane 13. Tried to get them to bribe me, but they pretty poor people... The competition was supposed to be started by Mr Tan Chee Wee, but since he was late, they got the deputy principle Mr Tan also... to start the ball roling. Strike! Ah well... he was half there... The first game pretty boring. The other team at lane 14 was cursing the ball... Then they said something to make me realise today was cursed... Today is Friday the 13th. Man creepy... But they just no skill lah... Soo Wee they all not bad... and Javan get strike with baby ball, dunno how... Foul line was on and Cyril's team screwed up. You foul and the score was gone... I stoned at the control panel until around 10:45AM when both teams finish their first game. Bought mentos but more stoning to go. The mentos abit expired nia... super hard. 11:00AM spaceship arrived with Soon Da Yan's father on board. He was the guest of honour, and some chairman or was it deputy or assistant of some dunno what school board of what... Just very big shot lah, and probably sponsored the whole thing... He started the second game with a roll-off. Woah the crowd roars! Gutter LOL! And Soon Da Yan starts getting niaoed by the other people... Rest of the event pretty boring lah, but the lunch reception was ZAI. Buffet with 8 course meal with dessert nia! Probably the big shot guy sponsor one... After meal is clean up time, I went to hide in the toilet and came out at 2:00PM to get on the bus back school. Afternoon lecture by Tan Chee Wee about shooting. Grouping and Accuracy and the usual... I think what he said went into my head... hope not out the other side. Then finally, time to go home... Still recovering from a trip to hell. (ATC) Met alot of devils if you know what I mean...
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